Where to find us

Tenuta di Sticciano is located in Via di Sticciano 207, locality Fiano, Certaldo – Florence.

All the major landmarks are less than an hour away: breathe art in Florence, take memorable photos with the Leaning Tower of Pisa, take a dip in the past admiring the medieval charm of Siena, get lost among the enchanting landscapes on San Gimignano’s hills or taste the most famous and fine Chianti wines.


How to reach us:

From the A1 Milano/Roma highway, take exit Firenze Scandicci (for those arriving from the north it is just after exit Firenze Nord – for those arriving from the south it is after exit Firenze Certosa) and take the S.G.C. (highway) Firenze/Pisa/Livorno FI.PI.LI.

Immediately after the exit turn right, then turn right again at the roundabout towards Montespertoli; at the second roundabout turn right again towards Montespertoli, drive along the provincial road n.80 for 5,5 km until Baccaiano, enter the roundabout and take the second right towards San Casciano V.P. Continue along the provincial road n.80 for about 6,4 km until you reach a stop sign. Turn right on the provincial road n.93 in the direction of Fornacette and drive for about 2 km. At the end of the slope turn left towards Lucardo on the provincial road n. 69. After about 2 km, you will find a small road on the right with indications to Sticciano: follow it for 3.5 km until your final destination.

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